Journal Articles (by Year of Publication)

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Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., Marsh, H., & Jang, H.-R. (2023). Cluster randomized control trial to reduce peer victimization: An autonomy-supportive teaching intervention changes the classroom ethos to support defending bystanders. American Psychologist.




Lee, W., & Reeve, J. (2020). Remembering pleasure and personal meaning from episodes of intrinsic motivation: an fMRI study. Motivation and Emotion, 44(6), 810-818. doi: 10.1007/s11031-020-09855-1.

Liu, W. C., Wang, C. K. J., Reeve, J., Kee, Y. H., & Chian, L. K. (2020). What determines teachers’ use of motivational strategies in the classroom? A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Education, 200(3), 185-195. doi: 10.1077/0022057419881171.


Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., & Ntoumanis, N. (2019). An intervention to help teachers establish a prosocial peer climate in physical education. Learning and Instruction, 64. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2019.101223.

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., & Song, Y.-G. (2019). Recommending goals and supporting needs: An intervention to help physical education teachers communicate their expectations while supporting students’ psychological needs.Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 41, 107-118. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2018.12.008

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., Lee, Y., Ntoumanis, N., Gillet, N., Kim, B. R., & Song, Y.-G. (2019). Expanding autonomy psychological need states from two (satisfaction, frustration) to three (dissatisfaction): A classroom-based intervention study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111, 685-702. doi: 10.1037/edu0000306.

Reeve, J., & Lee, W. (2019). A neuroscience perspective on the self-determination theory framework. Journal of Personality, 87(1), 102-114. doi: 10.1111/jopy.12390.

Bhavsar, N., Ntoumanis, N., Quested, E., Gucciardi, D., Thogersen-Ntoumani, C., Ryan, R. M., Reeve, J., Sarrazin, P., & Bartholomew, K. (2019). Conceptualizing and testing a new triparte measure of coach interpersonal behaviors. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 44, 107-120. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.05.006.

Jang, H.-R., Reeve, J., Cheon, S. H., & Song, Y.-G. (2019). Dual processes to explain longitudinal gains in physical education students’ prosocial and antisocial behavior: Need satisfaction from autonomy support and need frustration from interpersonal control. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 9(3), 471-487. doi:10.1037/spy0000168


Matos, L., Reeve, J., Herrera, D., & Claux, M. (2018). Students’ agentic engagement predicts longitudinal increases in perceived autonomy-supportive teaching: The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Journal of Experimental Education, 86(4), 592-609. doi:10.1080/00220973.2018.1448746

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., & Ntoumanis, N. (2018). A needs-supportive intervention to help PE teachers enhance students’ prosocial behavior and diminish antisocial behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 35, 74-88. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2017.11.010

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., Lee, Y., & Lee, J.-W. (2018). Why autonomy-supportive interventions work: Explaining the professional development of teachers’ motivating styles.Teaching and Teacher Education, 69, 43-51. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2017.09.002.

Reeve, J., Jang, H.-R., & Jang, H. (2018). Personality-based antecedents of teachers’ autonomy-supportive and controlling motivating styles. Learning and Individual Differences, 62, 12-22. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2018.01.001

Vansteenkiste, M., Aelterman, N., De Muynck, G.-J., Haerens, L., Patall, E., & Reeve, J. (2018). Fostering personal meaning and self-relevance: A self-determination theory perspective on internalization. Journal of Experimental Education, 86, 30-49. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2017.1381067.


Lee, W., & Reeve, J. (2017). Identifying the neural substrates of intrinsic motivation during task performance. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 939-953. doi: 10.3758/s13415-017-0524-x.

Gillet, N., Morin, A. J. S., & Reeve, J. (2017). Stability, change, and implications of students’ motivation profiles: A latent transition analysis. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 51, 222-239. doi: 10.1016/j.cedpsych.2017.08.006.


Reeve, J., & Cheon, S. H. (2016). Teachers become more autonomy supportive after they believe it is easy to do. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 22, 178-189. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.08.001

Jang, H., Kim, E.-J., & Reeve, J. (2016). Why students become more engaged or more disengaged during the semester: A self-determination theory dual-process model.Learning and Instruction, 43, 27-38. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.01.002

Jang, H., Reeve, J., & Halusic, M. (2016). A new autonomy-supportive way of teaching that increases conceptual learning: Teaching in students’ preferred ways.Journal of Experimental Education, 84(4), 686-701. doi:10.1080/00220973.2015.1083522

Hagger, M. S., Sultan, S., Hardcastle, S. J., Reeve, J., Patall, E. A., Fraser, B., Hamilton, K., & Chatzisarantis, N. L. D. (2016). Applying the integrated trans-contextual model to mathematics activities in the classroom and homework behavior and attainment. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 166-175. doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2015.11.017.

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., & Song, Y.-G. (2016). A teacher-focused intervention to decrease PE students’ amotivation by increasing need satisfaction and decreasing need frustration.  Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 38, 217-235. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2015-0236

Reeve, J. (2016). A grand theory of motivation: Why not? Motivation and Emotion, 40, 31-35.doi:10.1007/s11031-015-9538-2


Cheon, S. H., & Reeve, J. (2015). A classroom-based intervention to help teachers decrease students’ amotivation. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 40, 99-111.

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., Lee, J., & Lee, Y. (2015). Giving and receiving autonomy support in a high-stakes sport context: A field-based experiment during the 2012 London Paralympic Games. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 19, 59-69. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.02.007.

Reeve, J. (2015). Giving and summoning autonomy support in hierarchical relationships. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9(8), 406-418.

Veiga, F. H., Garcia, F., Reeve, J., Wentzel, K., & Garcia, O. (2015).  When adolescents with high self-concept lose their engagement in school [Cuando se pierde la motivación escolar de los adolescents con mejor autoconcepto].  Revista de Psicondidactica, 20(2), 305-320. doi: 10.1387/RevPsicodidact.12671


Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., Yu, T. H., & Jang, H.-R. (2014). The teacher benefits from giving autonomy support during physical education instruction. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36, 331-346. doi:10.1123/jsep.2013-0231.

Reeve, J., & Lee, W. (2014). Students’ classroom engagement produces longitudinal changes in classroom motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106, 527-540. doi: 10.1037/a0034934.

Reeve, J., Vansteenkiste, M., Assor, A., Ahmad, I., Cheon, S. H., Jang, H., Kaplan, H., Moss, J. D., Olaussen, B. S., & Wang, C. K. J. (2014). The beliefs that underlie autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching: A multinational investigation. Motivation and Emotion, 38, 93-110. doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9367-0.


Reeve, J. (2013). How students create motivationally supportive learning environments for themselves: The concept of agentic engagement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, 579-595. doi:10.1037/a0032690.

Lee, W., & Reeve, J. (2013). Self-determined, but not non-self-determined, motivation predicts activations in the anterior insular cortex: an fMRI study of personal agency. Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience, 8, 538-545. doi: 10.1093/scan/nss029.

Cheon, S. H., & Reeve, J. (2013). Do the benefits from autonomy-supportive PE teacher training programs endure? A one-year follow-up investigation. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 508-518. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.02.002.

Weber-Gasparoni, K., Reeve, J., Ghosheh, N., Warren, J. J., Drake, D. R., Kramer, K. W. O., & Dawson, D. V. (2013). An effective psychoeducational intervention for ECC prevention—Part 1.  Pediatric Dentistry, 35(3), 241-246. PMCID: PMC4857723

Weber-Gasparoni, K., Warren, J. J., Reeve, J., Drake, D. R., Kramer, K. W. O., & Dawson, D. V. (2013). An effective psychoeducational intervention for ECC prevention—Part 2. Pediatric Dentistry, 35(3), 247-251. PMID: 23756309


Jang, H., Kim, E. J., & Reeve, J. (2012). Longitudinal test of self-determination theory’s motivation mediation model in a naturally-occurring classroom context. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104, 1175-1188. doi: 10.1037/a0028089.

Lee, W., & Reeve, J. (2012). Teacher’s estimates of their students’ motivation and engagement: Being in synch with students. Educational Psychology, 32, 727-747. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2012.732385.

Cheon, S. H., Reeve, J., & Moon, I. S. (2012). Experimentally based, longitudinally designed, teacher-focused intervention to help physical education teachers be more autonomy supportive toward their students. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 34, 365-396. doi: 10.1123/jsep.34.3.365.

Lee, W., Reeve, J., Xue, Y., & Xiong, J. (2012). Neural differences between intrinsic reasons for doing versus extrinsic reasons for doing: an fMRI study. Neuroscience Research, 73, 68-72. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2012.02.010.

Weber-Gasparoni, K., Goebel, B. M., Drake, D. R., Kramer, K. W. O., Warren, J. J., Reeve, J., & Dawson, D. V. (2012). Factors associated with mutans streptococci among young WIC-enrolled children. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 72, 269-278/ doi:10.1111/j.1752-7325.2012.00335.x


Reeve, J., & Tseng, C.-M. (2011). Agency as a fourth aspect of students’ engagement during learning activities. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 36, 257-267.  doi:10.1016/j.cedpsych.2011.05.002

Reeve, J., & Tseng, C.-M. (2011). Cortisol reactivity to a teacher’s motivating style: The biology of being controlled versus supporting autonomy. Motivation and Emotion, 35, 63-74. doi: 10.1007/s11031-011-9204-2.

Su, Y., & Reeve, J. (2011). A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of intervention programs designed to support autonomy. Educational Psychology Review, 23, 159-188. doi: 10.1007/s10648-010-9142-7.


Jang, H., Reeve, J., & Deci, E. L. (2010). Engaging students in learning activities: It is not autonomy support or structure, but autonomy support and structure.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 588-600. doi:10.1037/a0019682


Reeve, J. (2009). Why teachers adopt a controlling motivating style toward students and how they can become more autonomy supportive. Educational Psychologist, 44, 159-178. doi:10.1080/00461520903028990

Jang, H., Reeve, J., Ryan, R. M., & Kim, A. (2009). Can self-determination theory explain what underlies the productive, satisfying learning experiences of collectivistically-oriented South Korean adolescents? Journal of Educational Psychology, 101, 644-661.

Hardre, P. L., & Reeve, J. (2009). Training corporate managers to adopt a more autonomy- supportive motivating style toward employees: An intervention study. International Journal of Training Development, 13, 165-184.

Reeve, J., & Halusic, M. (2009). How K-12 teachers can put self-determination theory principles into practice. Theory and Research in Education, 7, 145-154. doi:10.1177/1477878509104319


Reeve, J., & Jang, H. (2006). What teachers say and do to support students’ autonomy during learning activities. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98,

Reeve, J. (2006). Teachers as facilitators: What autonomy-supportive teachers do during instruction and why their students benefit. Elementary School Journal, 106, 225-236.


Isen, A. M., & Reeve, J. (2005). The influence of positive affect on intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: Facilitating enjoyment of play, responsible work behavior, and self-control. Motivation and Emotion, 29(4), 297-325. doi:10.1007/s11031-006-9019-8


Reeve, J., Jang, H., Carrell, D., Jeon, S., & Barch, J. (2004). Enhancing high school students’ engagement by increasing their teachers’ autonomy support. Motivation and Emotion, 28, 147-169. doi:10.1023/B:MOEM.0000032312.95499.6f


Reeve, J., Nix, G., & Hamm, D. (2003). Testing models of the experience of self-determination in intrinsic motivation and the conundrum of choice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 375-392.

Hardre, P., & Reeve, J. (2003). A motivational model of rural students’ intentions to persist in versus drop out of high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(2), 347-356. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.95.2.347


Reeve, J., Jang, H., Hardre, P., & Omura, M.  (2002). Providing a rationale in an autonomy-supportive way as a motivational strategy to motivate others during an uninteresting activity.  Motivation and Emotion, 26, 183-207. doi:10.1023/A:1021711629417

Cai, Y., Reeve, J., & Robinson, D. T. (2002). Home schooling and teaching style: Comparing the motivating styles of home school and public school teachers.Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 372-380. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.94.2.372


Reeve, J., Bolt, E., & Cai, Y. (1999). Autonomy-supportive teachers: How they teach and motivate students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 537-548. doi:10.1037/0022-0663.91.3.537.


Reeve, J. (1998). Autonomy support as an interpersonal motivating style: Is it teachable?Contemporary Educational Psychology, 23, 312-330. doi:10.1006/ceps.1997.0975


Reeve, J., & Nix, G. (1997). Expressing intrinsic motivation through acts of exploration and facial displays of interest. Motivation and Emotion, 21, 237-250. doi:10.1023/A:1024470213500


Reeve, J., & Deci, E. L. (1996). Elements of the competitive situation that affect intrinsic motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 22, 24-33.


Reeve, J., & Sickenius, B. (1994). Development and validation of a brief measure of the three psychological needs underlying intrinsic motivation: The AFS scales. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 54, 506-515. doi:10.1177/0013164494054002025

Williams, G. C., Wiener, M. W., Markakis, K. M., Reeve, J., & Deci, E. L. (1994). Medical students’ motivation for internal medicine. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 9, 327-333. doi:10.1007/BF02599180


Reeve, J. (1993). The face of interest. Motivation and Emotion, 17, 353-375. doi:10.1007/BF00992325


Reeve, J. (1989). The interest-enjoyment distinction in intrinsic motivation. Motivation and Emotion, 13, 83-103. doi:10.1007/BF00992956

Reeve, J. (1989). Intrinsic motivation and the acquisition and maintenance of four experiential states. Journal of Social Psychology, 129, 841-854. doi:10.1080/00224545.1989.9712093


Reeve, J., & Cole, S. G. (1987). Theory development in intrinsic motivation research:
The excitement continues. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, 279-290.

Reeve, J., & Cole, S. G. (1987). Integration of affect and cognition in intrinsic motivation. Journal of Psychology, 121, 441-449. doi:10.1080/00223980.1987.9915498

Reeve, J., Olson, B. C., & Cole, S. G. (1987). Intrinsic motivation in competition:
The intervening role of four individual differences following objective competence information. Journal of Research in Personality, 21, 148-170. doi:10.1016/0092-6566(87)90004-3

Reeve, J., & Robinson, D. T. (1987). Towards a reconceptualization of intrinsic motivation: Correlates and factor structure of the Activity-Feeling Scale. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, 23-36.


Reeve, J., Cole, S. G., & Olson, B. C. (1986). The Zeigarnik effect and intrinsic motivation: Are they the same? Motivation and Emotion, 10, 231-243. doi:10.1007/BF00992318

Reeve, J., Cole, S. G., & Olson, B. C. (1986). Adding excitement to intrinsic motivation research. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 1, 349-363.


Reeve, J., Olson, B. C., & Cole, S. G. (1985). Motivation and performance: Two consequences of winning and losing in competition. Motivation and Emotion, 9, 291-298. doi:10.1007/BF00991833

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